Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Marketing Intelligence Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Intelligence Systems - Essay Example Some of the topics that are going to be covered in the MIS presentation include: The value and quality of a marketing intelligence system depends on the input data the system receives. A five-step process that can help improve the quality of a marketing intelligence system is: 1) Train and motivate the sales force to spot and report new developments; 2) Motivate, retailers, intermediaries, and distributors to pass information along; 3) Collect intelligence by purchasing competitor’s products; 4) Create advisory panel composed of important stakeholders; 5) Purchase information from outside suppliers such as A.C. Nielsen Corporation (Kotler, 2002). The five step quality control process improves marketing intelligence systems to make them more valuable. When the sales force acts as intelligence gatherers they must be trained to recognize the type of information that is useful for managerial purposes. Obtaining product samples from the competition is useful to compare in terms of quality, value, and packaging presentation. Customer advisory panels provide valuable information concerning customer needs. External research firms are able to provide marketing information at a lower cost than what most companies can produce in-house. There are many benefits associated with the implementation of a MIS. The use of an MIS can assist a manager in the sales forecasting process. The system can be used by a start-up company to determine the optimal target markets to penetrate. An MIS system allows a company to monitor behavioral changes in consumer buying patterns. This type of information is useful to adapt the company’s product offering. For example a company in the food industry could utilize data concerning the tendency of a marketplace to consume salty foods to determine the chances its new potato chips brand have to succeed in a region. Marketing intelligence systems can be

Monday, February 10, 2020

Powell v. Alabama Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Powell v. Alabama - Case Study Example Most of the local bar despite the order of the court withdrew from the case. Two attorneys did appear on behalf on the accused but the appearance could be described as superfluous at best because the attorneys had no opportunity to investigate the case and consulted with the defendants for only thirty minutes prior to the trials. Not surprisingly, eight of the defendants were convicted and sentenced to death after quick trials. There was a hung jury in the case of the remaining defendant. The lower court argued that each state is its' own sovereign and that accordingly, each state has the right to decide what it will and will not give to its' indigent defendants. One does not have an absolute right to counsel in the state system and a state cannot be ordered to pay for the defense of it's defendants. In one hundred and forty years, the legal governance of the states has never been interfered with, so why should it happen now The decision of the lower state court was reversed and remanded back to the lower court for further proceedings. Ultimately the court held that the fundamental due process rights of the defendants had been violated. The court found that fundamental due process rights carry both into the state court and the federal courts. One's due pro One's due process rights do not drop simply because there is a change in venue. Due to the lack of counsel the defendants were not granted a fair and impartial trial. Indeed, the entire proceedings were found to be deliberately contrived so as not to afford the defendants an impartial jury. Blacks were systematically not picked for the jury. The defendants were unable to prepare with their attorneys and finally were not even asked if they wanted attorneys. Supreme Court Decision 1. The rule denying the aid of counsel to persons charged with felony, which (except as to legal questions) existed in England. Page 287 U. S. 46 2. The rule that no part of the Constitution shall be treated as superfluous is an aid to construction which, in some instances, may be conclusive, but which must yield to more compelling considerations whenever they exist. P. 287 U. S. 67. 3. The fact that the right of an accused person to have counsel for his defense was guaranteed expressly (as respects the federal Government) by the Sixth Amendment, notwithstanding the presence of the due process clause in the Fifth Amendment, does not exclude that right from the concept "due process of law." Pp. 287 U. S. 66-68. 4. The right of the accused, at least in a capital case, to have the aid of counsel for his defense, which includes the right to have sufficient time to advise with counsel and to prepare a defense, is one of the fundamental rights guaranteed by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Pp. 287 U. S. 68-71. 5. In a capital case, where the defendant is unable to employ counsel and is incapable of making his own defense adequately because of ignorance, feeble-mindedness, illiteracy or the like, it is the duty of the court, whether requested or not, to assign counsel for him as a necessary requisite of due process of law, and that duty is not discharged by an assignment at such a time and under such circumstances as to preclude the giving of effective aid in the preparation and trial